
Quick Search  (eg. smc4-1YJL074C )

Phenomics of yeast Mutants (PhenoM) is an online database, containing quantitative measurements of 1,909,914 cells and 78,194 morphological images for 775 temperature-sensitive mutants spanning 491 different essential genes in permissive temperature (26 C) and restrictive temperature (32 C). The morphological images were generated by high-content screening (HCS) technology conducted in Boone and Andrews labs at Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research (CCBR), University of Toronto.

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1. We highly recommend you to use Firefox, Chrome or Safari as web browser.
2. Please enable JavaScript function of your browser to properly display and use PhenoM.
3. Please install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (v1.6 or newer) to successfully use ImageJ.

PhenoBlast Search most similar mutants within the database to the query mutant of interest.
PhenoTempDev Compare a mutant between two different temperatures.
PhenoMutaDev Compare a mutant with wild-type at corresponding temperature.
PhenoCycleDev Compare a mutant between different phases of cell cycle.
Morphology Search Query the differences and similarities of cell shape and (or) subcellular compartments

Powered By Boone, Andrews and Zhang Labs
Last database updated September 8, 2011 PhenoM 1.0